Grow better with the right plan.
Unlimited apps & freemium

Prices are per creator / per month based on yearly billing.
Unlimited amount
of apps & shares
Unlimited amount
of public users
Web apps based on
spreadsheet formulas
Included app elements
Cells in shared areas
Share cell areas
(static & editable)
Allow data entry in granular areas including data submissions
Usage analytics


Ideal for small apps


€25 if paid monthly

Unlimited apps & shares
icon check
Unlimited amount
of public users
icon check
Web apps based on
spreadsheet formulas
icon check
Included elements:
Cells in shared areas:
Cells in shared areas:
Cells in shared areas:
Share cell areas
(static & editable)
icon check
icon not
icon not


Apps and granular sharing


€59 if paid monthly

Unlimited apps & shares
icon check
Unlimited amount
of public users
icon check
Web apps based on
spreadsheet formulas
icon check
Included elements:
Included elements:
Included elements:
Cells in shared areas:
Share cell areas
(static & editable)
icon check
Allow data submissions
icon check
Usage analytics
icon check


Apps and granular sharing


€349 if paid monthly

Unlimited apps & shares
icon check
Unlimited amount
of public users
icon check
Web apps based on
spreadsheet formulas
icon check
Included elements:
Included elements:
Included elements:
Cells in shared areas:
Share cell areas
(static & editable)
icon check
Allow data submissions
icon check
Usage analytics
icon check
Our pricing structure is tailored to provide you with the versatility needed for building web apps utilizing spreadsheet concepts. Each available plan specifies a cap on the app elements you can incorporate into your app. These elements range from cells and formulas to charts and other objects that enhance your app's functionality. Select the plan that aligns with your app element requirements to tailor your experience. Our plans support unrestricted access for public users, enabling easy embedding on websites without the need for user authentication.

For scenarios requiring restricted app access, functionality, or data, private users come into play. Authentication, email, parameters, or passwords uniquely identify private users, offering a secure and personalized app experience.

The freemium plan mirrors the Lite plan's features but caps the use at 25 app elements. It also restricts shared cell areas to a maximum of 250 cells.

Enterprise Plan
The enterprise plan gives you central team management, dashboards and release processes. You can also predefine templates, logos and settings for your whole team. You can also define your own data storage where all your transaction data will be stored - if you chose this functionality even the transaction data will be stored in your environment. Completely compliant and secure. Book a meeting to get more information.

What do I need to work with Airrange?

Airrange works with local Excel files, Excel files in Microsoft 365, and Google Sheets. To build apps, all you need is your existing account of these services.

Please note: The Airrange granular sharing feature for Excel files will only work with Microsoft 365.

How can I use Airrange for free?

The Free Airrange plan is free to use. You'll have unlimited apps, unlimited public users and 100 included known users. However, the content volume in apps is limited to 15 elements and there is no usage analytics in the Free plan. The number of elements used is visible in the top right corner.

What happens if I exceed the limits of my current plan?

If you have more elements in your app than defined in your plan, your apps will be still be working according to your plan.

The surplus elements are visible in your app as soon as you have published your app again. However, the surplus elements are grayed out and cannot be used in the app by invited users. For testing, all features are working in your administrator account.

If you would like to test your apps with a full pro plan, get in touch with us.

How does the Airrange Enterprise plan work?

Airrange supports companies who want to integrate apps deeper into their workflows or into their Microsoft 365/Microsoft Office environments.

Where is my Excel data stored?

All data you work with on is stored on your desktop, in your Microsoft 365 account and in Excel online. This includes authentication, e-mail addresses, account information, and Excel data. If you publish an app using a local file, only the formulas needed for the app will be uploaded to the Airrange servers.

Please note: With the granular sharing feature, the changes history is saved in a log worksheet added to your Excel file. This is visible to admins only. When you return to Airrange, the information is retrieved from your Microsoft 365 account and your Excel file.

Where do I get support?

Airrange provides a knowledge center with tutorials and help articles. Please contact us by chat if you have questions don't cover there.